Index :
General information for the cottage : Your accommodation
Local Walks - under revision
Local Area - Where to Eat
Important Numbers
General information for the cottage : Your accommodation
Local Walks - under revision
Local Area - Where to Eat
Important Numbers
Important Numbers.
Owners landline
01567 820 990
Owners mobiles -
Gill : 07747 862641
Dave : 07887 58873
Police - Main Street, Killin
- Call 101 for non emergency enquiries.
Doctors Surgery - 01567 820 213
Davidsons Chemist, Main Street Killin
tel 01567 829006
The nearest Veterinary Practice (Vets) are Struthers & Scott in Doune which is about 40 mins drive to the south towards Stirling.
They are an excellent practice and do have an out of hours call service for emergencies only.
tel : 01786 841 304
Owners landline
01567 820 990
Owners mobiles -
Gill : 07747 862641
Dave : 07887 58873
Police - Main Street, Killin
- Call 101 for non emergency enquiries.
Doctors Surgery - 01567 820 213
Davidsons Chemist, Main Street Killin
tel 01567 829006
The nearest Veterinary Practice (Vets) are Struthers & Scott in Doune which is about 40 mins drive to the south towards Stirling.
They are an excellent practice and do have an out of hours call service for emergencies only.
tel : 01786 841 304